Getting The Crazy Out

The poet Hart Crane folded his suit jacket perfectly on the deck of the Orizaba in 1932 and exclaimed "Goodbye everybody!" before plunging into the Gulf of Mexico. His body was never recovered.

You have to get the crazy out somehow. 

You know, the thoughts in your mind that won't stop, the song that keeps playing in your head. Your story.

Sometimes you get the crazy out through the barbell, and sometimes you use the pen.

Lift, write, pick things up and put them down.

Leave some things down. Stomp them down. Walk away. Run away. Invent a new ending to the short story of you. Find the freedom you need in order to keep going.

  • Some folks try to get the crazy out through drink or drugs.

  • Some try to get it out through religion or running or beautiful watercolors.

  • And some try to eat the crazy.

There are probably a million ways to deal with what you've bottled up inside you.

Some work, and some do not.

But one thing is for certain: if you keep the crazy inside, then you just might go crazy.

So let it out.

Embrace the oddness of you. Don't be ashamed of being different, or thinking weird thoughts, or not fitting in wherever you think you should fit in.

Standing out is not a crime: it's a gift. A beautiful, stunning gift.

The only crazy thing is that we think there is any such thing as normal. Or that we don't want to know what's inside each other.


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