This Holiday Season, Pick One

We're in the crunch of the holiday season. Busy, busy, busy.

I'm not going to tell you to take time for your fitness, because you already know you should. Neglecting yourself never results in lasting happiness. Do what you can, and survive.

I'm not going to join the cacophony of voices telling you to spend less and appreciate more, because you know that too.

The people who really love you want time with you: gifts are secondary to that, not primary.

But here's what I am going to tell you. This holiday season, you have two choices:

  1. Tap into the stress.

  2. Tap into the joy.

Pick one. 

And, remember that what you expect to find is often what you find.

Adjust your head, lift heavy when you can, and tap into the joy—it's a heck of a lot more fun.

P.S. Three past holiday posts worth reading:


6 Rules for Experienced or New Fitness Junkies


10 Reasons Why Deadlifts Are Better Than Babies