
Perfection does not exist. I know that.Yet I look for it every day. I strive for it. I yearn for it. I get so close sometimes I swear I can almost taste it. But I never do.And so, the drive for perfection taunts me and it ruins me.Every day, I fall short.Nothing I do is ever perfect. Nothing anyone else ever does is perfect. It's a futile search that never reveals the intended result.So why do it? Why do I pursue perfection? Why torture myself this way? Why haunt myself this way?Because, I figure if I aim for perfection, maybe I've got a chance at getting to "pretty damn good." But if I only aim for "pretty damn good" then maybe I'll only make it to "okay." And "okay" is not acceptable to me, for me. In CrossFit, work, love, or life.Kind of like you try to stay on your heels in the front squat so that the barbell actually stays over the middle of your foot. If you only tried to stay on the middle of your foot, you'd end with the weight over your toes.So I'm way back on my heels. I'm aiming for perfect. I'm tilting at windmills. And I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm ruined, but I'm okay with that. How about you?


The Bogeyman


What Would Happen?