5 Barbell Rules

1.) Don't drop a bare bar on the floor. 

Not cool. Lower that empty bar like a baby girl or put some bumpers on it.

2.) Don't walk over somebody's bar in class.

That's like trying to put the voodoo on them. Go around.

3.) Don't sit or stand smackdab in front of others when they're lifting the barbell.

You might think you're hot to look at, but you're really just distracting.

4.) Don't put your foot on the barbell.

It's not a foot stool. It's a tool. A tool to get you stronger. Have respect for your tools.

5.) Put love in your heart for the barbell.

It's not the only tool in the gym, but it just might be the most important one. Love it, or decide that a longer path to strong is okay with you.




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