I Believe

I believe in the iron.

The front squat.

The power clean and the push jerk.

I believe that you should back squat in both the high bar and the low bar positions to achieve different goals.

I believe that the writing of most fitness magazines is oversold, unproven, self-indulgent crap.

I believe in no gloves, some chalk, and triple extension as the only path to salvation on the platform.

I believe that a full squat clean is a thing of beauty.

I believe that yelling in the gym is not only a good thing, but that everyone should do it – in triumph as well as defeat: Yelling is proof that we're alive.

I believe in good bars, tight collars, and lowering the bar to the ground in a deadlift, not dropping it from the waist.

I believe in the power of fitness to save.

I believe in me. And I believe in you.

(With gratitude to Bull Durham for the inspiration.)


Bring On The Suck


Do Work