Stomping the "Easy Button"

We run these stairs. They're not pretty, but they're real.CrossFit Watertown is on the second floor so every time the workout calls for sprinting or running, we have to factor in about 18 concrete stairs, 2 corridors, and 3 wooden stairs that get slippery when wet. On each round.It's not fun. Life would be easier if we were on the first floor and had a big roll-up door so we could run right from the pull-up bar into a sprint during "Helen."But this is New England. We're used to life not being easy. We're used to freezing weather and cranky people and dogs that bite if you piss them off.And you know what? We kind of like it that way.If life was all sunshine and roses and the "Easy Button" was a reality, we'd be bored silly. Part of the fun of living here is the edge, the hardness, the fact that you need to be tough to make it here. There's a reason that the "New York, New York" song says "If I can make it there, I'll make it anywhere." Nothing gets handed to you here. Everything must be earned. Life isn't easy. But then neither is CrossFit. It's a perfect match for the Northeast.We run through crappy weather, crappy attitudes, and crappy concrete stairs.On weekends, when the Old Pin Shop building doesn't have any life in it except for us, that stair run can seem a little "Silence of the Lambs" but that's okay. It makes us run faster. It makes us stick together.And besides, if we met Hannibal Lecter, we would seriously mess that dude up. We don't screw around. We're Yankees. We're CrossFitters. Stairs ain't nothin' to us.


Plan, Act, Succeed


Doing The Hard Things