Stop Your Sobbing

Stop your sobbing.


The moaning? The complaining about the workout? Or your life, your husband, your wife, your kids, your job, your friends, your dog, the mail, the lines in the grocery store, etc etc etc.It's not doing any good for anyone, not even you. You only think it's helping.

Complaining won't make the bar lighter.

Or the kettlebell swings fewer. Or the box jumps easier.

It won't help you string together more double-unders or pull-ups. It won't help you hold that L-sit. And it sure won't make your life better.

So why do we complain? Because we're expressing our frustration. Because we want sympathy or pity. We want someone else to say: "You're right, poor baby. Life is so unfair. You deserve much better."

Please, get over yourself. There's a better way!

Zip the complaining and instead use that frustration that's behind the complaining. See, frustration is good. Frustration is GREAT.

All progress is born of frustration. 

From babies crawling to Edison inventing the light bulb to Zuckerberg inventing Facebook, frustration has been damn useful.

Frustration is a fantastic catalyst.

But the complaining that often goes hand in hand with frustration? Not so much. It's a de-motivator. It brings everyone down. Lowers the energy in the room. It's an anchor dragging the boat.

So cut that anchor loose. Zip your lip. Set your jaw.

Use your frustration. 

Work harder and make progress. But, please, stop your sobbing and leave that to the babies. We've got work to do.


All The Words You Need Today


Pick Up The Bar