Bring You Up

"They bring you up to do just like your daddy done." – "The River" by Bruce Springsteen

How many of you are doing just like your parents did?

Were you raised in a house where physical activity for fun was the norm? Or were you steered toward focusing on other pursuits or talents?

I had, quite honestly, a mixed bag.

Played hoops with my dad, watched sports with him, and knew any Saturday morning without snow meant that Dad would have a golf club in his hands.

But my mom? Never exercised a day in her life. Women of her generation weren't expected to. Now, I visit her in the nursing home.

We make our decisions every day, and we set our kids and loved ones on decision pathways.

Think about what was handed to you—and what you're handing to others. Are you okay with that?

If not, change it.

And, if you are okay with it? Well, make it even better.


The Rough Days


If Only