Face the Fin

I came across this quote from "The Hours" by Michael Cunningham: "She is better, she is safer, if she does not speak too much, write too much, feel too much ... and yet she is dying this way, she is gently dying on a bed of roses. Better, really, to face the fin in the water than to live in hiding."

Think about those words.

She is better, she is safer, if she does not ... care too much, feel too much ... and yet she is dying this way.

If that hits you in the gut, then you know what? You've got some work to do.

And what I'm about to say might make you even more uncomfortable.

Face the f***ing fin.

I'm going to guess that for far too long, you have sat in the boat, worrying and waiting and wondering. Wondering what life would be like if you just said, "F** it. Let's do this."

If you just decided to throw down and go for it. If you just opened your heart and soul and body and just laid everything on the line, whether it's in the gym, in your job, in your family, in your personal relationships. What could happen?

You could be hurt. You could be crushed. You could ache in new ways that you never imagined.

Or you could rise. 

You could soar. You could see life in a fantastic, mind-blowing way you never imagined could exist even in your wildest dreams. You could literally breathe new air.

Sounds worth it, doesn't it?

It is.

Stop waiting. Stop wasting your life in the boat. 

Face the fin in the water. 


Going Up


That Which Is Unseen