Dumb Questions

There are dumb questions.

But you should never feel dumb for asking them.

People like to say, "There are no dumb questions" but really there are.

If you've been doing CrossFit for a year and you still ask "What's an AMRAP?" – well, that's a dumb question.

If you've been deadlifting for a year and you ask "Where should my feet be?" Dumb question.

You obviously haven't been paying attention, or maybe you're insecure and attention-seeking. Or you need to be checked for a head injury.

It happens, we understand, but none of these answers get an "A".

BUT even if you ask dumb questions, that doesn't make you a dummy.

And you shouldn't feel stupid for asking. Your coach should provide you with answers, no matter what, and in a way that you can deal with.

A good coach knows how to teach you without making you feel small.

A great coach makes you feel big, no matter what your size. So ask away. It's okay, and nobody worth their salt really minds.


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