Laugh Lines

You gotta laugh at yourself.


We get wrapped up in our workouts, our nutrition, our lives. And sometimes we forget that not everything about fitness has to be taken with such reverence. Yes, we are doing important things. Yes, we are improving human movement. Yes, we are building communities.

But that doesn't mean we shouldn't be laughing and smiling and having a damn good time doing it.

Now, I don't mean you have to laugh in the middle of your workout. That can be hard to do. But just ease up and chuckle. You'll be surprised at how much more relaxed you are—and then how much better you'll perform.

See, we are our own worst enemies.

We tense, we freeze, we beat ourselves up. And our performance can suffer because of it.

Be your own best friend today. Or at least the goofy kid you kinda liked in school.

Relax. Laugh at yourself.

My kids and I laughed so hard on the way to school this morning that we were all out of breath, our stomachs hurt, and we couldn't stop being stupid. The Mini physically rocked with our laughter. It was 8:30 in the morning. If that's not a good start to the day, I don't know what is.

Some people are worried about wrinkles. Not me.

I earned these laugh lines.

You could call them proof of a life well spent.


Working on a Dream


The Engine