Riding the Rollercoaster

"You can dream but you can never go back the way you came." — Jackson Browne

We can't go back.

There is no time machine, no isolation chamber, no way for us to stay right in this moment, frozen in time like some yellowed photograph of strongmen with mustaches in a gymnasium years ago.

CrossFit is growing . . . and it will grow more. I can't change that. You can't change it. Coach Glassman can't change it.

See, we can no more stem this flood of attention than we can duct tape every CrossFitter's mouth and pinky-swear them to never, ever, no-matter-what tell about CrossFit or they'll have to drink the Magic Evil Potion. And if you remember the threats you made to each other at the age of 8, there were only two options: drink the Potion or suffer the Spanking Machine. Little did you know life would present those two options at many, many junctures.

Anyhow, the point is the CrossFit train has left the station, whether we like it or not.

Keep your hands inside the car. We're picking up speed.

We might drop off some high cliffs, speed around some blind curves, lose our stomachs and regain them, scream a bit, and  swear a whole f***ing bunch.

But remember, just like when you ride Apollo's Chariot at Busch Gardens, the people having the most fun are not deathgripping the bar and screaming that they're going to die. The folks having a blast are sitting in the front car and throwing their hands in the air and laughing so hard their stomachs hurt.

Relax and enjoy the ride.

This is going to be way more fun than we ever dreamed.


Crossing Over


The Message You Send?