Not Buying It Anymore

F*** you, society.

No, seriously, f*** you.

Those images and video that would have us believe we all need to be emaciated skeletons in order to be desirable? In order to be loved? Then you turn around and try to sell us low-quality processed garbage to eat? Do you really expect us to still put up with this?

Well, I'm not buying your screwed-up bullshit anymore. Not buying your death-of-me-sold-to-me.

What an idiot I would have to be in order to purchase my own death.

I know better, learned better, am better.

Still, though, we look at super-skinny runway models and airbrushed photos and we listen to BS that women are "too muscular" and some of us still worry that we'll "bulk up."

Well, we should be more worried about dumbing down than bulking up.

See, we're dumb when we listen to dumb. And we were actually led to believe that there is some pain of living that can be ameliorated, assuaged, or erased by the purchase of products.

How crazy is that?

To believe that there is some condition of the heart, the head, the soul that can be changed by anything but us changing inside. Wow.

Yet most of us do it, to some extent. We buy our own death, our own lesser beings, our own poor representation of ourselves.

We put good hard cash down for someone else's screwed-up vision of who we should be.

No more.

There are enough of us now who know better, who want better, who are willing to fight for better. From now on, you show me a photo of a woman who doesn't look healthy, wonderful, and brilliantly ALIVE, and I'm taking my money elsewhere.

I'm done. I'm voting with my wallet. You want my cash, you better give me real and alive and strong and true.

I'm not buying this junk anymore. 


This Bar Is Light

