Calm the Riot in Your Own Head

Want to reduce the stress in your everyday life?

Want one change that will make a huge difference in how you feel every single day?

Stop reading/hearing "you" when someone says "I". 

  • Stop reacting to everything like it's a personal assault on you.

  • Stop taking everything so personally.

Just stop.

When someone says "I" ... believe them.

Maybe they just mean it for them.

Want to get even more free?

When someone says "you", decide if it really applies to you or not. Decide if you believe it.

And if you don't?  Toss it aside and carry on. Don't get blind raging angry. Just walk away, physically or mentally. Maybe both.

Calm the riot in your own head.

Listen, really listen, to the words that you speak, and the words that other people speak.

This one lesson will do wonders for your performance in the gym, and in life.

Listen. Breathe. Use that which is useful.

Now, go lift.


Smile and Wave


Use Your Fear