A Critical Issue

Friends, we have a critical issue that we must vote on today.

No, it's not the American Presidential election. This is something far more important: the use of the word WOD.

This is a difficult subject for many people, and there are strong feelings associated with each side.

So, please, for the sake of our community, be respectful in your arguments. Enough friendships have ended, and families been torn asunder, by this debate. But, here, today, let us decide:

Can "WOD" be used as a verb?

We know it's a noun — and an acronym: "Workout of the Day."

Over the course of human events, however, we have witnessed the evolution of the word "WOD" into a verb, as in "Hey, want to wod?" or "I'm going to wod" or, in what a few people maintain is the most offensive use of all: "I just wodded."

Some say this is a natural course, shaped by our culture and merely a matter of personal preference.

After all, it's never wrong to work out — and who you want to work out with is your personal decision. Nobody can judge that. But we, as a society, do judge grammar — and some say the use of the word "WOD" as a verb is a sin against man and God, and that it caused Hurricane Sandy.

Oh, wait, that was some whacko preacher spouting gay hate. Never mind.

Anyhow, my point here, friends of the barbell, is that we need to vote: Is it acceptable to wod?

Or can you only do a WOD?

If, when you say "I wodded" — are you really saying "I workout of the day-ed" like you're a moron?

Or, have you merely embraced your inner rebel and made grammar bend to your will?

Think, and vote. Polls are open all day and night. 


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The CrossFit Treehouse