More Surprises Tomorrow

"More surprises tomorrow."

That was on the monitor in the Marshall's checkout line. They meant in the store but I was thinking, "Oh yeah, that's life."

Life is full of surprises and you will get more of them tomorrow, including stuff you don't really want, not even if it's on sale.

Tomorrow, you could:

  • step out of the shower and have your husband tell you your father passed away

  • step out of the bathroom and have your wife say she's leaving you

  • step into a meeting and see a human resources person with paperwork and a box to put your things in.

Life could hold those kinds of surprises tomorrow (I know, I've been in all of those aforementioned situations) but it could also hold the good kind of surprises, like babies and birthdays and love and warm pumpkin bread from your neighbor's oven.

Life's like the ultimate movie trailer. You think you know everything's that going to happen in the movie but you really don't.

The only thing we all know for sure is that there will be more surprises tomorrow.

What are you hoping is a surprise coming your way tomorrow? And what have you done to prepare for it?


Do you fit or not?


Stop the Go Hard or Go Home Nonsense