Chicken or Rooster?

Some people do.

Some people don't.

Some people wait for others to do, so they can criticize. They see it as their way of "helping."

I often see it as a way of being chickenshit.

When the coach announces something tough to be tried, who's the bravest person in the class?

Often the person who volunteers to go first. They also might be the dumbest and the most scared. Or the smartest. There are many reasons they could have for going first. But at least they raised their hand and said "Yeah, take me. I'll do it." 

You can respect someone with guts, whether or not you agree with them.

Kind of like you can respect someone who uses their real name. Folks who hide behind aliases and keyboards all the time don't earn my respect. How tough is it to type mean things under a false name? Not tough at all. But you want to tell the world what you believe while using your real name? Game on. I can respect that. The other bullshit is not worth my time. Unmanly. Unwomanly. Cowardly.

I don't know everything about this life, but I have learned this: life is a lot more fun (and rewarding) if you're the person who says, "F*** it. This is me" or "I want to try that."

Throw your heart on the table, and life will respond.

Stop being a chickenshit. Be the rooster, and earn the right to strut and wake everybody else up with your beautiful call.


Silly World

