A Ton of Inspiration
Get your head right, get your body right, get your life right.
A Wealth of Insight
Centered in movement, often grounded in humor, and always intelligent, these pieces are timeless bites of wisdom. Start anywhere. Or choose a category (below) and dive into it!

What If Your Moment Arrived Right Now?
What would you do? Seriously, what would you do?

Everyone Is Winging It

How to Make People Feel Big (Instead of Small)

The Comeback

Strong Is Not an Accident

Strong Starts in the Mind (Or, 5 Mental Laws for Gym Mastery)

Where You Can Find Me Now

I Lost Close to 40 lbs During the Pandemic

Don't Let the World Do That

Hell Is Asking "Why?"

What's the Problem?

Will You Go Back to the Gym Now?

The Truth About Compassion

"I Was Bad Today": Debunking the False Morality of Food

Fight the Algorithms

Don't Lose Yourself to the Bitterness
We've turned into such a bitter culture, addicted to our own seething rage even as it hurts us, as it burns us, as it destroys us.

Heat Is Not Weakness

Podcast: Hit Play, Not Pause
The muscle between your ears is what keeps you going when the going gets hard. The opposite is true, too. When life is kicking your ass, being physically strong helps you muster the mental strength you need to persevere.

I Don't Ever Feel Bad After Doing It
All I know is that after all the miles on bikes and all the pounds lifted, I never felt bad after doing it. Not once. Every effort brought its own reward, every single time. In moving myself, I somehow lifted my soul.

16 Pairs of Shoes (The Pandemic Diaries)
I’m not going to write about what the pandemic took from me. It took so much from all of us.To write about what we have lost is like trying to catch a waterfall. Your hands can only hold so much.But I’d be a liar if I said the pandemic didn’t give to us.