A Ton of Inspiration
Get your head right, get your body right, get your life right.
A Wealth of Insight
Centered in movement, often grounded in humor, and always intelligent, these pieces are timeless bites of wisdom. Start anywhere. Or choose a category (below) and dive into it!

"Go Forth and Flex": The Fitness Commencement Speech
A few pieces of advice that you can carry forward in your pursuit of health and the continual quest to undo what delicious, evil cookies do to your body.

What Is It With Adults and Coloring Books?
That place. It really has no words to describe it, but we all know it when we feel it. Like a home we've come back to, even if we are a thousand miles away from home.

10 Reasons Why Your Dog Is Having a Better Day Than You
He slept more than you did ... and 9 other reasons why your canine companion is a happy pup.

10 Reasons Why Deadlifts Are Better Than Babies
Sure, babies are great, but have you tried deadlifts?

10 Things I Learned In My CrossFit Class
People who don't like deadlifts are like people who don't like dogs: probably not to be trusted.

Why You Should Date a Woman Who Loves the Barbell
Because we have attitude, and we own it. There are no apologies to be given for speaking our minds, speaking our hearts, or standing up for what we believe in.

The Callipygous Manifesto
Big butts are a mark of effort and they're like art, each different and perfect in their own way. We should appreciate and celebrate art.

Making Noises in the Gym
How about you? Are you quiet in the gym, or do you get loud?

You Leave My Yoga Pants Alone
In case you didn't notice, yoga pants might be the most wonderful thing invented in the past twenty years.

Imagined Workout Diaries of Famous Writers
What Faulkner, Hemingway, and Morrison might have penned after a hard WOD.

Barbells and Haiku

The One That Got Away

10 Things To Do When You're Lonely

You might be suffering from CI-FAM: CrossFit Induced Failure At Math.

Snatching: The Answer to Everything in Life
Your kid wants help on his math homework? Forget that. Teach him to snatch instead.

Truth, Or Lies?
Life is full of hard truths. So is CrossFit.

Too Cool For CrossFit

The Unofficial CrossFit Joke Book
Q: How many CrossFitters does it take to change a light bulb?A: Three. One to do it in record time. One to film it. And one to complain about proper form.

Top 10 Rejected Slogans for CrossFit Watertown