A Ton of Inspiration
Get your head right, get your body right, get your life right.
A Wealth of Insight
Centered in movement, often grounded in humor, and always intelligent, these pieces are timeless bites of wisdom. Start anywhere. Or choose a category (below) and dive into it!

Weights Don't Have a Gender

20 Quotes to Help You Get Stronger

Shut Out the Noise

What to Do When the Barbell Won't Budge
What to do? What's the next step when you know your body is ready but your mind is not?

What They Think Doesn't Matter
Love those people who don't understand why you like to lift weights. Hug them, and then ignore them.

The Barbell Mindset Poem (That Might Trick You)
Read this poem going down. Then read it going up.Mindset is vastly important to success.

10 Reasons Why Deadlifts Are Better Than Babies
Sure, babies are great, but have you tried deadlifts?

11 Quotes To Help You Kick Ass in Life
Words to get you moving.

10 Quotes To Help You Get Stronger (Part 1)
The act of getting strong doesn't start in the gym. It starts in your head.

How Many More?
I will always wonder this: how many more women could have found happiness with the barbell?

Cleaning, with Power
And the bar pops onto on my shoulders.If only my troubles could be lifted that easily.Or yours.Or anyone's.

Why You Should Date a Woman Who Loves the Barbell
Because we have attitude, and we own it. There are no apologies to be given for speaking our minds, speaking our hearts, or standing up for what we believe in.

Shadow Boxing

Summoning Thunder

The Barbell Didn't Give a F**k

Never Beg
Never beg.Never freaking beg. For attention. For love. For money. For anything.Make it your mantra, your motto, your lifeline.


Head Up, Eyes Forward

Un****ing Your Mind
Because there's no point in picking up the bar if you're not ready to lift it.

It's Just a Lift
One failed lift won't make you a bad person, a worse parent, a horrible daughter, an inadequate brother. It won't even make the cashier at the market put your eggs on the bottom of the bag.