A Ton of Inspiration
Get your head right, get your body right, get your life right.
A Wealth of Insight
Centered in movement, often grounded in humor, and always intelligent, these pieces are timeless bites of wisdom. Start anywhere. Or choose a category (below) and dive into it!
It's Okay to Fall Out of Love with CrossFit
Branding, Wearing Logos, and Getting Sweaty
Does it matter if your workout has a name? Or is the name superfluous?
10 Things I Learned In My CrossFit Class
People who don't like deadlifts are like people who don't like dogs: probably not to be trusted.
Old-School Rule: Stay and Cheer
Don't be that guy or gal. You know, the one who puts away their gear while others are still working.
This Revolution
When you think about it, much of our suffering comes because we have a difficult time accepting change.
Scaling Is Not An Apology
Scaling is an adjustment of the workout to your individual needs. Scaling is not an apology or an excuse. And it's not some bullshit way to talk down to yourself or anybody else.
Is the Fitness Landscape Changing Again?
What do you think? Is the group class model enough anymore? Or do you find yourself jonesing for something different?
Just Tell Me the Workout
Do you like to know the workout so you can visualize and plan? Or do you prefer to be left in the dark?
Burpee Penalty in the Gym: Smart Tool or Stupidity?
Why do we treat customers like misbehaving children?
What am I training for? To be healthier, to be happier. So, maybe I should do things that make me happier and healthier.
It's Not All Kettlebells and Kumbayas
Sometimes, I'm competing only with myself. And sometimes I want to put my foot on your throat and cut off your air.I don't think I'm supposed to say these thoughts aloud. Nice girls don't. But that's the truth.
Those Shirts (Again)
I wear CrossFit affiliate shirts on some days, still. But on some days, I wear shirts with nothing on them.
What Happened?
It's different. Some would say better, some would say worse. But it's changed, that's for sure.
It's Okay To Be a 3-Times-a-Week CrossFitter
Not all of us are cut from the same cloth. There are many athletes in their forties/fifties/sixties/seventies who either can't or don't want to do CrossFit five times a week.
Can a Trainer Work Out With the Class?
This question never dies. It pops up in CrossFit circles, even now, in various places around the internet."What's your opinion on trainers working out with the class? Like coaching and then jumping in with the class?"Seriously? We are still asking this question?