Do Work

Derek is our Marine.

We don't have a lot of Marines around these parts, so when one talks, we listen, especially to men of few words, not prone to flourishes and nonsense.

And this is what Derek says: "Do work."

It's a simple sentence but it means a lot: Do work.

Allow me to extrapolate.

Do work.

Take care of business. Take care of your people. Do what you're supposed to do. Don't shirk. Don't avoid. Don't make excuses.

Do work.

Be a person of honor, of integrity, of character. Show up. Listen. Learn. Help.

Do work.

Smile when you can. Cry when you have to. Love those who deserve it — and, sometimes, even those who don't.

Do work.

CrossFit Watertown recently hit the two-year birthday mark. From the garage to a big, beautiful space that's about to host a CrossFit Level 1 Certification this weekend — that's a journey.

Do work.

Good things will happen.


I Believe


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