Take the Blow

Take the blow. For every action in life -- and in the gym -- there is a reaction. And those reactions are not always what we want them to be.Life is not always pretty. (Think missed push jerk.)  Or fun. (Missed snatch = watch out!) Or fair. (A disgruntled employee vandalizes your workplace.) But it happens. Not everything turns out fab. And sometimes you just got to take the blow. Make a decision, act, and accept the consequences.I'm sure there's something in your life that you're delaying right now. An action you know is long overdue, but that you just couldn't bring yourself to do yet. Well, today's the day you do it.Breathe deep, swallow hard, and act. And prepare to accept the reaction. You (and your life) will be better for it. Inaction is never the solution; it's just you being scared. Inaction is purgatory -- and nobody's having fun in purgatory, they're just surviving. So, don't just survive: LIVE. Act. Take the blow. You're strong enough to get through this -- and the next thing that comes along.


Making It Look Easy


Doing More of What You Hate?