
Do you do the things you don't want to do? Or do you avoid them?

Be honest.

We talk a lot about working our weaknesses (a.k.a. "goats") but do you actively search out stuff you suck at and then try it?

If you do, virtual pat on the back. Keep going. I'm proud of you.

And if you don't? You're like the rest of us! Hi! You have company! Come sit over here at the "That Shit's Hard" table.

See, we avoid the suckage sometimes. It happens.

We get caught up in our egos or we're just damn tired or whatever. (The excuse was never what mattered.)

So, I'll stop doing it if you will.

I'll swallow my pride. What the hell.

Life is too short not to split jerk. Or pull up, or muscle up, or snatch, or just hold a handstand for a couple of seconds. There are probably many people in this world who wish they could do half the stuff we do. Time to step it up, people. Life is so much shorter than you think. Get over your fears, get over yourself. Live.

Then we can meet at the "Wow, That Shit Really Was Hard" table and have a refreshing beverage or two! 


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