Smile and Wave
Newsflash: Some people are miserable fools.
Regardless of how well you craft your life, you're going to meet some of them. If you stand up for anything in your life, you're going to meet even more of them. And if you ever venture onto the internet? Well, you've met them already.
So, what to do when you encounter these delightful pieces of humanity?
You can try to have compassion for them (they probably had some miserable childhood and their life is kind of sad) or you can try to fight them (usually a waste of time: they like to fight and they want to drag you down to their level).
Or you can just ignore them and continue on your own path. (Very productive, and an option I highly recommend.)
Want to have even more fun?
Smile and wave.
Nothing annoys some poor pissed-off creature more than when you simply refuse to eat their shit.
Walk away, humming your own tune. Save your energy for achievement.
"For ye suffer fools gladly, seeing ye yourselves are wise." (2 Corinthians 11:19)