What's In Your First Pile?

It's either worth your time, or it's not.

It's either something you want so bad that you can taste it ... or it's something you can live without.

It's either a reason for you to steal time from other things ... or it's just one more thing that won't get done.

And that's okay. You can't finish everything. You can't be perfect at everything. You can't make every single dream in the world come true all the time.

So you will have to choose, or other people will choose for you. You have to make piles for your priorities.

What I want to know is this: What's in your first pile?

And are you working today on those dreams? Or are you just sliding by, doing okay, treading water, instead of swimming hard for the shore?

And why do you think you have lots of time to get there?  


The CrossFit Treehouse


In Praise of Goofiness