You Define You

Define who you are.

Don't let anybody else take that task from you.

And don't let yourself be defined by who you are not.

  • Not pretty enough.

  • Not smart enough.

  • Not tough enough.

  • Not good enough.

    These are the messages the world will help you create for yourself if you let it. Don't let it.

    Inside all of us is the somebody we really want to be.

    And this fabulous person is not comprised of negatives, but of positives. This fabulous person has qualities we want more of. Find those qualities, then define them and grow them. This is how we make ourselves. This is how we become whom we have always wanted to be.

    Like the educator Rita Pierson said in her wonderful talk on the importance of human connection "Every Kid Needs a Champion": "I am somebody. I was somebody when I came. I'll be a better somebody when I leave."


What Is Endurance?


Not Disturbing Your Peace