You Have Choices

We go to Costco in the hour before closing. The tasting stands are gone. The crowds have thinned. The cashiers look tired.

It's perfect. In and out. I don't even feel tempted to ram anybody's cart. (I am not the most patient person when people jam the aisle.)

We used to go earlier and I would get annoyed. What was the point of that?

One day I realized: If the crowds annoy me with their slow pace, I can try to avoid the crowds.

You can use this same not-so-Jedi mind trick with some other things in life:

  • Don't like preachy preachers? Don't go to church.

  • Don't like fast food? Don't eat any.

  • Don't like gays? Don't date one.

  • Don't like CrossFit? Don't do CrossFit.

  • Don't like yoga? Don't do yoga.

Instead, we often barge our way into the crowded Costco, sulk in the back of the church, rail about those eating fast food, and complain about everyone who is not like us.

Well, if we were all the same the world sure would be a boring place.

My mom used to say that to me when I was a kid. Now I say it to my kids.

If the crowds frustrate you, go to Costco in the last hour of closing. But don't bring your mom. She's going to be pissed that you missed the free food samples. 


Turn Around and Listen to the Pain


Don't Die on the Shore