
Not every CrossFitter represents me. Nor do I represent every CrossFitter.

This is the same with all communities in life. At our very core, we are individuals first and then we are members of a tribe. We may be part of a tribe, but the tribe is not all of us.

So, when people speak on a topic, I remember that they are not me and I am not them.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But lately I'm seeing a lot of intolerance in the world (in our community and elsewhere) and so I'm speaking up.

Here's my opinion:

It's not okay to be spew hate, or be generally rude, or a jackass.

So, it's not okay to yell at fat people for being fat.

It's not okay to yell at unfit people for being unfit.

Maybe you've devoted your life to being fit and spreading the joys and worth of fitness, but it's still not okay.

I firmly believe that we are here to teach in this life, not to berate and lord over. If you want to see change, help make that change through effort, not venting.

Instead of yelling and hating, talk and educate.

Use a discussion to discuss, not berate. Learn to rise above.

And while you're at it, eliminate stupid-ass shit from your vocabulary: like using "gay" when you mean stupid or wrong. Use "gay" if you mean homosexual. Otherwise, you're just showing how dumb and/or scared you are.

And, for the love of all that is human, stop hating on women. Seriously, that shit is so old. Every single one of you f***ers came out of a woman. Every single one. Show some respect for your mothers and half the world's population.

Grow up.

Befriend someone in need and teach them.

The person who needs your help most is probably the person who least looks like you. Close your mouth sometimes and open your ears and your heart. Do something worthwhile with your words and your time.


You're better than the smack you talk. Show me.


Beyond Relentless


Lucky Day