Beyond Relentless

I have a secret: I won't go gently into the good night.

I will fight.

I will struggle. I will scratch and crawl my way to that PR. I will keep going when I think I can't. I will succeed even when it seems failure is the only option. I will count me in when others count me out.

Who are you to think you can defeat me?

Who are you to underestimate me?

Have you ever lived in my head?

Breathed my air? Felt my soul? No.

And if you did, you would be smart enough to be scared. Very scared.

I am a word beyond relentless. A power beyond unstoppable. A force this world has not even really begun to understand.

Go ahead and underestimate me.

I like it better that way.

I will simply keep working until there is nothing between me and ... victory.


Decide To Win

