Maybe This Is the Monday You'll Remember
It's Monday, and you hate where you are right now or you love it.
Some of you might be in between – it's just a job and you put up with it – but some of you just can't stand what you're doing but you have to do it anyhow. It grates on your nerves, and you wish you could just run out the work door and not come back.
I get that.
I used to feel that way at several points in my life. Sometimes a job was awesome ... until one day it wasn't. Sometimes it was fantastic ... but it didn't make enough money, so I found a "better" one, which didn't turn out to be better but it made more money. And sometimes everything really was fabulous.
Seldom in life are we exactly where we want to be when we want to be.
But if you are? Swish. Nothing but net. Enjoy the day, and help every person you can.
And if you're not somewhere that you want to be?
If you dread Sunday night simply because Monday morning comes after it? Then you need to start thinking and working towards what you want your life to be, instead of staying stuck in what your life is.
My friend Scott used to write to me about how he wanted to quit a job he hated and do what he really loved to do.
And then one day Scott wrote to me about his brain cancer.
Scott's not with us anymore.
I wish I could write to him right now and tell him I mentioned him here. He'd be so happy because in the sunset days of his life, all Scott wanted to do was help other people. See, Scott (like many people given an unfair and swift ticket out of this world) learned to really live while he was dying, and he left us with so many wonderful lessons. Scott was amazing. Given his druthers, however, he would have picked to stay here with his family and create that job he used to write to me about.
So, if you're sitting there, frustrated in your work or your life, and you're not doing anything about it, ask yourself, "Why? What exactly am I waiting for?"