The Crazy Magic Beans

We do this thing called CrossFit.

It's not easy, but we do it. It's not impossible either. You just have to have heart and be willing to learn.

So when a trainer from somewhere in the Land Before CrossFit walks through my door and asks for a job, I usually know right away that it's not going to work out. They don't get it yet. They don't understand that CrossFit is more than just a workout. That somewhere along the way it morphed. It grew like some crazy magic beans or some insane ivy or gigantic oak tree, now dwarfing the house that nurtured, watered, and fed it.

I see this same confusion in some applications that come into CrossFit HQ.

People who sense that CrossFit is an unstoppable movement, but they just don't understand us yet. They still think you can sub out a CrossFit workout for a "chest and bi's" day. They don't understand yet that CrossFit isn't just in your gym or your muscles — it gets in your heart and your head too. We politely ask them to spend more time in our community before they submit their applications again.

This young trainer from the Globo-gym down the street — the one who walked into CrossFit Watertown the other day — we politely took his resume and offered him a free Intro Session, so he could understand what it is we do. But he wasn't interested in some crazy magic beans. He wanted a job; he didn't want to learn.

It's not easy to be at the forefront of change.

In fact, it's mostly difficult. Because people don't understand yet. They will someday.

In the meantime, we all need to just keep doing what we're doing.

Keep CrossFitting. Let your life be your example to the world.

Sometimes, you can't explain the crazy magic beans. You just have to let them grow. Then people will start to notice. 




Killing the Teacher