Inside the CrossFit Coach's Mind
Heels on the box. Full hip extension at the top.Two simple rules for box jumps. Easy to say, harder to meet.And if you don't meet them, I'm going to bust your a** and make you do them again. Some people call that being a bitch. I call it doing my job.There are rules to the CrossFit workouts, just like there are rules in life. Meet those standards or not -- that's the choice you face in a thousand ways every day of your life. You can slide by, you can skate, you can even cheat and lie as you make your way in this world -- and many people won't even notice. Or if they do, they won't say anything. Maybe they're ignorant or they're scared to speak up or maybe they just don't care.But not me. Not here. Not during the WOD. I don't mind pointing out what you're doing wrong, what standard you're not meeting, what you could be doing better.Because that's my job. That's why I'm here. Standards. Accountability. These are old words that sometimes seem lost or outdated in this world we live in. But they're very much in vogue when you walk through these CrossFit doors. And they lead to real results. And somewhere, down deep, you know that, even when you're beat and tired and calling me unpleasantries in your mind. You know this is what you need.I'm not here to hold your hand or stroke your ego or lie to you or tell you that you look pretty.I'm here to hold you accountable and help you get results. And, along the way, you're going to become a better person. And you're going to love life more than you ever imagined. And maybe even one day realize that I loved you enough to risk having you hate me.But right now, I want to see those heels on the box. Full hip extension at the top. Come on, we've got work to do.