YBF (You'll Be Fine)

Our eyes wander sometimes. And so do our minds, especially during a workout.We forget where we should look and we forget what round we're on or what rep or what our middle name is or whether we are black, white, or Asian.Okay, maybe not that, but you get my point.The workouts can be confusing and you can get so rattled trying to remember every cue and piece of instruction.So, here's the trick that will work in the vast majority of situations: Look forward.In the gym and in life, if you want to get better at anything or want your life to be better, then look forward. Looking down isn't going to get you anywhere. (Except maybe in the deadlift, but still your neck is actually in neutral position, it's just that you're looking at the floor.)Eyes forward, chest up, breathe. You can pretty much use that as your mantra for whatever you have to face today, in the gym or in your life. Eyes forward, chest up, breathe. And don't worry so much. Or overthink everything. You're going to be just fine. Now, get out there and kick a**.


Milestones and Change

