Seven More Days In Suckville . . . Or Not

A new week:  a big, new series of chances to excel.

  • Seven days of unlimited horizons
  • Seven days of opportunities to leave behind old bad habits
  • Seven days to seize and make your own
  • Seven days to make better decisions and become a better athlete and a better person

Or seven days to just stay exactly where you are.Eat junk. Drink like a fish. Pollute your mind with garbage, surround yourself with mediocrity, and live a life of sturm und drang. Make poor choices for 23 hours a day and then come into the gym and expect that one hour per day—one hour—will make for a miracle.C'mon, be smarter than that. Be stronger than that. Just be better.Start building your own miracle right now.You know what to do. Put away the sugar. Push back the garbage. Educate yourself. Get more sleep. Go harder in the gym. Be kinder to the people in your life.Seven days. The start to a better life or just more of the same old thing. So, are you going to improve? Or are you going to stay in Suckville for another week?


Life Jackets


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