Losing Your Fran Virginity
Bumpers and a barbell: $300. Pull-up bar: $100.Watching a newbie roll around on the floor after their first Fran, trying not to puke: Priceless.It's a strange initiation rite for most of us in CrossFit: The Fran Experience. You know: Doing your first Fran. Coaching your first Fran. And just watching Fran have her way with others for the first time.She never looks that tough in print: 21-15-9. Thrusters and pull-ups. But in person, she'll leave you breathless and crying on the floor.Sure, Fran isn't the sexiest workout in CrossFit anymore. Newer sass has come along -- prowlers, sandbags, rope climbs, etc. But Fran is still hot and can have her way with you in a manner that few can match. Think of her as a little less Angelina Jolie now and a little more Madonna. A few more years on the woman but, when the door closes, she's going to teach you a few things and then some. And, as scared as you are before -- and as shaken afterward -- you're going to be thrilled and want to come back for more.If you do her right, you'll never forget your first Fran.