"Being Mad Bring Us Nowhere"

Fun: It's more important than you think.We all get so serious about our workouts, about our CrossFit. This is Forging Elite Fitness, after all. We measure, we observe, we repeat. We're here to get stronger, faster, more dynamic. We're here to build better people, inside and out, damn it.But if that's all we do, we will lose our way.Working out becomes a grind, just like every other fitness program we ever did. We need to remember that we came to CrossFit in the first place because the other stuff just didn't do it for us. It wasn't fun. So we searched and we found this crazy program with these crazy workouts and these insane people and it was more fun than anything we had done -- and it was harder than anything we had done -- and it made us feel more alive than anything we had done. And so we stayed.Camille Leblanc-Bazinet (9th place finisher at the 2010 CrossFit Games) said this to me the other day (read it in her French accent): "Remember that we do CrossFit because we love that!!!! So don't be so serious and just give your best everyday, being mad bring us nowhere!!!"And she's totally right. In CrossFit and in life. Lighten up and lighten how the load feels on you. Make your burden feel like less than it is. Remember that old saying is true: It's not the load, it's how you carry it.So, turn out the lights during double-under practice. Run in the snow.  Cartwheel before your deadlift if you need to. Laugh more. Fume less. It will make a huge difference in your life. Start now. Right now. It's later than you think.


The Glorious Unevenness of It All

