
We rush. Sometimes too much.We get so used to racing during a metcon (and all of life), that we go and race through our heavy lifts too.Stop it.If you want to PR a lift, you have to learn to slow down at the right times, like in between your sets. Sit on the bench, recover, watch the other lifters, educate yourself, recenter yourself.  Then, after a few minutes, get up and kick butt again.In cycling, we call this time in between effort "spinning", in rowing we call it "paddling", and in life, we call it the weekend.So, put the weekend back into your heavy lifting sessions. Stop rushing from effort to effort. It might go against your grain as a CrossFitter and remind you a bit of your old globo-gym days -- but rest at the proper time is a good thing. You know that. And don't worry, there will be plenty of opportunity to rush in the metcons and mini-metcons and the rest of life.Rest. Recover. You'll be glad you did.


Finish Where You Want to Finish


The Coach's Secret