Something to Believe In

Some of us are searching for something to believe in.Some of us are not. Those folks are just happy to exist. And they CrossFit too.For some of us, CrossFit is more than a workout. It's more than a way to sweat, just somehow more. We see a deeper meaning, a broader application, a more comprehensive thread woven throughout our lives. It's a thread of struggle and effort and defeat and triumph and love and all of life, glorious life. CrossFit makes us feel better, fuller, deeper, more alive -- and we see the lessons and rewards every single place we turn -- and we see it all around our communities, and our nation, and our world. We have (for lack of a better term) a CrossFit Code of Conduct. We've never really defined it, but we feel it.But for others, it's just a workout.  A way to get fit. A way to feel healthier. A fun time. Not a lot more.And that's okay. Really.It has to be okay with us, because you can't force someone to believe. And you wouldn't want to anyhow, because that would be kind of creepy.So stop preaching. Smile and wave, help the other folks load their bars, move their jump boxes, and just have a good time with them.If CrossFit helps you in all of your life, good. But don't chase those who aren't looking for something to believe in.The Tao says, "Do your work, then step back. The only path to serenity."Good advice for the lifting platform, and for life.


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