Beyond Cool

There's always one kettlebell that nobody wants to use. It might be the black one with the thick handle, or the funny-looking "joke-sized" competition KB or just simply the ugly gray one in the corner. So it sits there until all the others are in use, and somebody has to use it in a workout.But you know what? It works just fine. It's a heavy object that you swing, or snatch, or deadlift, jerk, etc. It's an object with a righteous purpose. It's just not the coolest.Often, we get caught up in what we think is cool or sexy or hot. Like that song, "You think you're cooler than me." That song makes me laugh. Yup, you're cooler than me. You win! Wait . . . what was the prize? Um, yeah, nothing. Oh.So, maybe instead of chasing what is cool, we should be chasing what is righteous. You know: "Fine and genuine" according to Mr. Webster. Is it the proper weight? Can I swing it? Will it work well for me? Can it help me get the results I want? Will it help me become a better version of me?Strong is cool. Stronger is hot. Being as strong as you need to be? Righteous. Fine and genuine.


Attention To Detail


Sometimes, Stop Thinking and Lift