Make The Right Choices

Bad choices: people make 'em in the gym.

  • The wrong weight on the bar

  • the wrong pace

  • the wrong intensity.

Choose any of these options and you might end up with a sore back, an inadequate workout, or you might be barely crawling your way through the end of a long metcon because you raced out of the gates too fast.

People make bad choices in life too.

  • The wrong job

  • a bad crowd of friends

  • the bottle over their partner

  • the cool sneakers and Lulus instead of health insurance.

We know how these things end. We've seen the results.

I'm not here to tell you that bad choices are okay.

If you want to live a productive, fulfilled life of joy, then you need to make good choices for you and your life.

But will you make bad choices along the way? Yup. We all do.

What's critical is that you recognize the bad choices and don't make them again. 

So take a look at what you're doing in the gym today. Take a look at what you're doing in your life today. Think about it. Really think about what you're doing. Are you making the right choices? Or are you just getting by?

And, more importantly, are your choices taking you nearer or farther away from your dreams and your goals?




That Happens Too