That Happens Too

If you've ever been in a class I've coached, you've heard me say this phrase: "That happens too."

Most likely, it's after a blown lift.

You're on your a** from the snatch, or you've just dumped your overhead squat, or you're taking your hands off a barbell that just won't leave the ground for you. And there's really nothing anyone can say to make it better.

So that's why I just say, "That happens too."

Because it does.

Bad lifts happen, good lifts happen, and a whole bunch of mediocre lifts happen.

And sometimes you don't need to be told what you did wrong. You already know. There's no point in me telling you. You just need to accept the moment of failure and move on. Try again.

And hope that the next time instead of hearing "That happens too" you hear "Good."

Every moment does not have to be a lesson.

Sometimes the lesson is that you lived to fight another day.

Smile and move on. Because that happens too.


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