The Only Rep That Matters

The last rep you did doesn't matter. The one you just did. The one you keep thinking about.

What did I do wrong? My grip was off. My stance. My pull under the bar.

Forget it. The last rep you did is dead and gone.

Sure, you need to have learned from it, but for the love of chalk and Coach Burgener, take the lesson and stop obsessing over it.

Stop thinking so much when you're about to go again.

Concentrate on one thing and one thing only each time.

If you're tired and you're power cleaning, think Jump With The Bar.

If you're tired and you're doing handstand push-ups, maybe you should be thinking Everything Tight.

And if you're tired and you're running: Fall Forward.

The only rep that really matters is the one you're about to do.

You got another chance to get things right. So take it.

Concentrate on one thing only each time.

And let 'er rip.


What You Do With That Strength


Stepping Into the Ring Again