Get Moving

Stop waiting for the next bus to success.

The Success Bus is flying by at 100 mph, and it's not going to stop. You have to get on the road and start hoofing it.

  • Only action can save you.

  • Only action can save me.

  • Only action can save us all.

Thinking won't solve your problems. Analyzing won't make any issue go away. Debating is only good for a little while.

Finally, you need to just stand and do it—whatever "it" is.

Again and again. Until you get better at it, until you make it right, until you grab some success. And then you'll get more. See, that's the funny thing about success: it can seem elusive and unobtainable. You have to work and work and work.

Usually, there's a lot of time between effort and achievement. That's why most people quit.

They can't take it. They need an immediate pay-off. They are not willing to pay the price.

They are not you.

But the good news is that once pay-off hits, it's like a chain of events.

Boom, boom, BOOM. 

Hard work pays off: here, there, and everywhere.

So, it doesn't matter if you're working on your deadlift, your clean, your muscle-up, or your heart and soul: get off your bum and get moving. You're going to feel a whole lot better once you do.


Wants and Needs


Ready or Not?