Getting Called Out

The woman next to me in class called me out today.I

was about to strip some weight off my barbell to get down to the RX (women's) weight for the metcon and she yelled over at me (and wagged her finger!)

"Na-uh. Don't you dare. You can handle that weight."

I was shocked.

And kind of pleasantly surprised.

See, this woman doesn't really know me. Barely knows my name. Doesn't even Facebook. So it doesn't matter to her who I am or what I do for a living. She just knew I was someone about to not live up to my potential, and she wasn't going to let that happen, not during her gym time.

She stood there and gave me a staredown that would make a mugger give back a purse.

I nodded at my barbell.

"But that's RX plus."

She smiled back at me. "That's okay," she said. "You can handle it."

Ah, accountability: sometimes that's exactly the right prescription.

I did the RX plus weight and was glad I did.

Sometimes you need to get called out. It's good for your soul and your strength.


Stoned on CrossFit


Living Well Is The Best Revenge