Obligation or Opportunity?

You can view anything as obligation or opportunity.

Your decision affects ... well, everything.

Think about your workout, your mobility work, the components of your job, even your family life: Obligation or opportunity?

If you choose obligation, you might think of how you have to do this workout, you have to stretch, you have to work on something because you suck at it. Depending on how you feel that day, your obligation might feel great or it might feel like a burden.

But if you choose opportunity, things become a little more fun.

You have a chance to work out, a chance to improve your body, a chance to get better at something you suck at. Something that could have been a burden becomes a gift.

You get this wonderful chance.

Playing with your kids. Visiting your mom. Shopping in the grocery store. Decide those are opportunities, and life feels a little bit more like play, doesn't it?    




Peaks and Valleys