
Everything changes, or it dies out.

Nature is pretty brutal that way. Adapters survive.

People love to reminisce about the early days of anything. That's human nature.

  • "Remember back when . . ."

  • "It was better when we used to . . ."

And that's okay.

Things always seem simpler and better in retrospect.

  • Present day is hard.

  • Challenges are hard.

  • Changing is hard.

  • Life is hard.

Thinking about glories of the past is an easier task.

Fun. You'd much rather talk about the first time that you did a workout than actually do the workout, right?

Good things don't usually stay small, or quiet, for long. We love to share what we love. And that's okay too.

Just because something isn't new anymore doesn't mean it isn't still awesome.

But awesome isn't an end state anyhow. You just got to work hard for awesomeness every single day.


Beyond Broken

