Tired is in your mind.
Tired is your brain trying to tell you to stop. To rest. To take a break. Be kind to yourself. Wait. Breathe.
Tired is the callsign of the underachiever. The watchword of the disappointed. The cry of those not bathed in their own success.
And tired becomes its own excuse.
"I'm tired."
"I felt exhausted."
"Could have done it, but I was tired."
Tired is you vs you. Who will win?
When you're in the middle of some stupid, horrible workout? When you're in the middle of some stupid, horrible part of life?
The you who works harder and stays on task? Or the you who lets up, wanders off, succumbs to her own doubts?
Everyone is tired. Everyone.
So do what you need to recharge. Recover. Get strong again.
Because the successful don't let tired win. They win instead.