Hope For Someone To Chase
"Oh good, she's here."
How many times have you seen someone enter the gym and you're happy?
Not because you like them but because they're slower or weaker than you? Because you know you can beat them? Because you know you probably won't be last in this workout?
Admit it.
You've done it. Almost everyone has.
"Whew. I won't be last today."
It's human nature. Our ego. The need to protect our fragile little psyche. And it's self-limiting.
Because what would make us better would be a class of people better than us.
A bunch of folks we're chasing. A bunch of folks we're pretty damn scared will catch us and pass us by. That would make us run faster, lift more, do more, be more, right?
This is what we need: A challenger who makes us rise to the challenge.
It's okay to keep your self-esteem, but don't spend your life playing in the kiddie pool just because it's easier to be a shark when you're the only fin in the water.
Life's a little different when you see other fins above the surface.
Don't be happy for the competition that you can beat.
Instead, be thankful when someone challenges you, makes you work harder, and forces you to earn any victory. Be thrilled when someone defeats you and creates smoldering embers that will keep your fire burning – a fire that may one day erupt into some greater victory than you ever dreamed.
Be grateful for your competition because they may help you to succeed.