Be Better

Your goal today is simple: Be better.

Be better in thought, in word, in deed.

Be better at what you think, what you say, what you write, what you do.

Your effort doesn't have to monumentally better than yesterday. PRs don't happen every day. And if they did? We would be bored, and take them as commonplace. They would no longer be special. No, you just need to be a little bit better. But you need to reach for it, each and every day.

Improving your life is like improving your squat. You think you know what you're doing and it can't get any better. But it always can. Always.

So, return to the basics. 

Squat. Check your feet, your ass, your chest. Is everything where it should be? Maybe your weight could shift a little back into your heels. Think and try one perfect squat. Rise. Close your eyes. Then squat again. Slowly. Not 10 fast, not 50 fast. Just one. Think and breathe and stay in that moment.

Feel what one perfect squat really feels like.

Now, open your eyes. And go chase that feeling in the rest of your life.

Be better, everywhere.


What We Think

